Tuesday, October 7, 2008

To the Polls

I just wanted to reflect on some of the things I set out to do this year, and see where I stand. Here's a look for anyone keeping score. Also I did move into Kollectiv Art Gallery in Phoenix and will be showing work there in two weeks.

1)Appear in a couple of publications
2)Getting Annihilation Jones off the desk and on the shelves.
3)Finish at least one children's book
4)Write the follow up Children's title
5)Getting paintings over to New York (its over due)
6)Reposition myself with the gallery I work for
7)Add some new paintings to the same Gallery
8)Hit some conventions
9)Have an open to the public gallery show.
10)Send some paintings to the galleries back home

Here's the score on the left you'll find time's score and on the right you'll find my score:

1) 0 ---- 2
2) 0 ---- 1
3) 1 ---- 0
4) 0 ---- 1
5) 1 ---- 0
6) 0 ---- 1
7) 1 ---- 0
8) 1 ---- 0
9) 0 ---- 1
10) 1 ---- 0

total score to date time=5 Albert=6

Its still a close race, and there is still some time before the end of the year.